$200,000 budget for architectural support
At the October 19 meeting of the Kendallville City Council, Shannon McLeod, Kendallville's grant administrator for the PreservINg Main Street pilot community funds awarded through the Indiana Office of Community and Rural Affairs (OCRA), provided an update regarding an important next step in the process of awarding funds to projects to transform downtown Kendallville's historic commercial buildings.

McLeod reported that $200,000 of the $2 million grant award has been earmarked for the purpose of procuring the services of an architect. An architect experienced in historic preservation will be sought through a procurement process. The goal is to have an architect lined up to assist throughout the design and planning stages of proposed projects by the end of 2021.
The city will request qualifications from architecture firms interested in the job and a review panel will select one to help design projects submitted and prepare plans for contractors to be able to submit bids. Parties interested in being considered are invited to contact Experience the Heart of Kendallville to ensure they are advised when the procurement process begins.