Grant deadline extended, vision clarified
Kendallville, IN - The application deadline for downtown Kendallville property owners to seek to leverage the $2 million PreservINg Main Street grant, awarded to the City of Kendallville to preserve historic downtown commercial properties, has been extended to January 3, 2022. Property owners wishing to apply for a chunk of funding to make upgrades, restore, and preserve building facades have been given an extra three weeks, past the original December 10 deadline, to apply.
During a recent meeting of the project’s steering committee, it was recognized that some property owners may be hesitating to apply for funding, lacking confidence they have the time to lay out their vision or that what they can afford to do will meet the criteria to be funded. In order to help encourage all interested parties to apply, the committee extended the deadline and came up with guidelines on which applications will be reviewed and projects prioritized. The key considerations the committee will have as they review applications for funding assistance are:
• The applicant's previous participation in Heart of Kendallville promotions, activities and events.
• The danger of the building being demolished without intervention.
• The building is currently vacant (or not).
• The proposal addresses exterior code violations (or not).
• The applicant has matching funds in hand (or they are committed).
• The proposed project’s visible impact in the project area.
• How the project will assist in increasing visitors/customers to the downtown area.
• If the project will impact efforts to add housing.
• If the subject building is an anchor business or building in the downtown corridor.
• If the project might encourage a "ripple" affect to spur more rehabilitation work.
• If the project budget is realistic and based on estimates or bids.

Kendallville’s project steering committee encourages anyone who owns a qualifying property to submit an application to express their interest in making improvements to the exterior of their property, regardless of their perceived likelihood of being granted funding assistance. By applying, the committee and Experience the Heart of Kendallville (EHK) (which is about to hire a full-time Main Street Manager) will be better informed about opportunities for revitalization and what property owners envision and need to succeed. Such information will help (EHK) form strategies for the future, even beyond the $2 million grant program.
The short application, and more information, is available at Stakeholders are encouraged to sign up on the website to receive blog updates, which are posted routinely. To subscribe, click on “News” on the website menu then choose the “Log in / Sign up” button at the top of the blog posts to subscribe.