Enhancing Your Business's Appeal: Why Updating Your Rear Facade Matters
As the heart of our community, our Main Street district thrives because of each and every one of our downtown merchants. Your business plays a vital role in the vibrancy and success of our downtown; which is why – as a Main Street -- we’re always striving to support you in any way we can.
We’ve been thinking a lot about the look and feel of our district and want to share an opportunity with you that could positively impact your business—both aesthetically and economically. While the front of your store might be the first thing customers see when driving through downtown, have you thought about how the rear of your business looks?

The back of your building plays a significant role in shaping the overall experience of our district, especially since that is where the majority of our parking exists. The rear of your business might be the first impression when someone arrives by car or on foot. Clean, well-maintained rear facades can provide a welcoming feeling to customers entering from this direction.
Updating the rear facade can also increase the value of your property. Potential investors, future tenants, or buyers will see that you care about maintaining your building from all angles. A well-kept rear facade signals that your business is an attractive and professional place to invest in or visit.

And as we have learned over the last couple of years as a recipient of the PreservINg Main Street grant -- when one business improves its exterior, it elevates the entire district. The small improvements you make have a ripple effect on neighboring businesses -- creating a stronger, more vibrant environment. Aesthetic upgrades can even attract new customers who may have previously overlooked your business or district entirely. This collective effort strengthens the local economy and makes our Main Street district a destination people want to spend time in.
To make updating your rear façade easier and more affordable, the Kendallville Historic Preservation Commission (HPC recently simplified their rear elevation guidelines.
Below are the new and revised guidelines for updating your rear facade:
Keep It Simple
Rear elevations should maintain a simple, straightforward appearance. These areas are meant to serve a functional purpose, so avoid overly ornate details that might distract from the overall look of the district. Focus on clean, minimal designs that will complement the historical architecture of the area. Keep rear entrances minimal and functional. Basic signage and awnings for business identification are recommended -- but avoid overcrowding or adding excessive decor. The goal is to create an inviting yet simple entrance that doesn’t overpower the space.
Preserve Historic Doors & Windows
If your building has a historic door at the rear entrance, it's best to preserve it. These doors add to the unique character of your building and should be maintained wherever possible. If your door is no longer functional and needs replacing, consider using historically appropriate doors such as single-lite glass-and-wood models. Just like doors, windows are key components of your building's character. If your rear elevation features historic windows, they should be preserved. If new windows are necessary, replace them with windows that match the original size and type. Vinyl windows can be used for rear elevations as long as they are in line with the original design.
Replace with Appropriate Materials
If the brick or mortar on your rear elevation is deteriorating, durable metal siding may be an option. However, make sure the new materials match the historical feel of the district. Metal siding can be an excellent solution for buildings with significant wear but should still complement the existing structure.
Screen HVAC and Service Equipment
HVAC units and other service equipment are essential but can detract from the building’s appearance if visible from the street. To maintain the aesthetic of the district, screen these units using landscaping, wood, or brick enclosures. Alternatively, consider placing the units on the roof, out of view from the street.
If you’re thinking of updating the paint on your rear facade, the RDC may be able to help with funding. To qualify, the paint colors must come from the Sherwin Williams pre-approved historic color palette. This can be an excellent opportunity to refresh your building while staying within the district’s aesthetic guidelines. You can find the full list of approved colors Sherwin Williams website at: https://www.sherwin-williams.com/.
Things to Avoid
While updating your rear facade, it’s important to follow the district’s recommendations to preserve the area’s historic integrity. Here are a few things that the Historic Preservation Commission generally does not approve:
· Covering windows with plywood
· Using vinyl siding
· Replacing windows with a size or type that differs from the original design
By sticking to these recommendations, you can be confident that your updates will enhance your building and contribute positively to the overall feel of Main Street.
We understand that maintaining and updating a historic building can seem like a big task. That’s why we’re here to support you! If you need guidance, have questions, or are interested in funding for paint or other façade work, give us a call. We will direct you to the appropriate resources to ensure your success!
And if you’re thinking about a rear update in collaboration with neighboring buildings, let us know that as well! We are happy to help you coordinate the process of getting recommendations and quotes for the work, as well as applying for façade grant funding.
Let’s continue to work together to ensure that our district remains a place that businesses thrive, and customers love to visit. We look forward to seeing the improvements you make to your rear facades in 2025 and beyond!
Thank you for your continued commitment to Main Street’s success!